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1969: The Beginning

Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco in 1955 and was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. He graduated from Homestead High School in Cupertino in 1969 and briefly attended Reed College in Oregon before dropping out after one semester. These early life events would shape Jobs' identity and influence his path in the tech industry.


1970s: Jobs co-founds Apple Inc.


With Steve Wozniak in 1976, which introduces the Apple I personal computer. Apple becomes one of the most successful and innovative technology companies in the world. Jobs' contributions to Apple include the Macintosh computer, the iPod, and the iPhone.

In 1985, Steve Jobs left his position at Apple


Following a disagreement with the company's board of directors. He went on to establish a new computer company called NeXT Inc. This move marked a significant shift in Jobs' career and the technology industry as a whole, as NeXT would go on to produce innovative hardware and software products that influenced the development of modern-day technology.

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In 1986, Steve Jobs acquired Pixar Animation Studios


From George Lucas for $10 million. Under Jobs' leadership, Pixar produced a string of highly successful animated films, such as Toy Story, Finding Nemo, and The Incredibles. These films not only revolutionized the animation industry but also became cultural phenomena, earning critical acclaim and commercial success worldwide. Jobs' acquisition of Pixar solidified his position as a visionary entrepreneur and cemented his legacy in the entertainment industry.


1996: Apple acquires NeXT

Jobs returns to Apple as interim CEO. He quickly takes the company in a new direction, focusing on stylish, innovative designs and easy-to-use interfaces.


2001: Apple introduces the iPod

which becomes a wildly popular music player and solidifies Apple's position as a leader in the technology industry.


2007: Apple introduces the iPhone

Which revolutionizes the mobile phone industry and becomes a cultural phenomenon.



In 2003, Steve Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, which led him to undergo surgery. Despite the diagnosis, Jobs continued to lead Apple and helped launch some of the company's most successful products. However, Jobs' health began to deteriorate, and in 2008, he took a leave of absence from Apple due to ongoing health issues. In 2009, he returned to work after receiving a liver transplant.

Unfortunately, Jobs' health problems persisted, and he eventually resigned as CEO of Apple in 2011. Later that year, on October 5, Jobs passed away at the age of 56 due to complications from pancreatic cancer. Jobs' death was a profound loss for the technology industry and the world at large, as he had made a lasting impact through his innovations and vision. His legacy continues to inspire and influence many to this day.

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